

RegiaMatteo Leonardo Sanders

CreditiScen.: Matteo Leonardo Sanders, Pr.: Matteo Leonardo Sanders, Dir. Fot.: Konrad Milan, Mo.: Lisa-Isabella Grabner, Mu.: Andreas Moser, Cast: Christian Sanders, Matteo Leonardo Sanders.


Lingua minoritariaTyrolean



When a 33-year-old son asks his 66-year-old father to tell him about the first 33 years of his life, it involves not only two individual life experiences but also two generations.



Matteo Sanders was born in Innsbruck in 1989. He has directed several short films and worked as an assistant on television and advertising productions. He studied directing and screenwriting at the Filmakademie Wien. His short film  Am Grat (On The Edge), premiered at the Palm Springs Short Fest and won the award for Best Student Short Film at the Drama International Film Festival in Greece.