
RegiaPaola Manno

CreditiScen.: Maria Giulia Falzea, Ninfa Giannuzzi , Prod.: Associazione Salento in campo ,, Mo. Egidio Marullo: , Mu.: Ninfa Giannuzzi, Valerio Daniele , Cast: Ninfa Giannuzzi


Lingua minoritariaGriko



The Griko language is an ancient language that can still be heard spoken in the streets of some towns in Salento, Italy. It’s a language that lives in the voice of Ninfa Giannuzzi, who chose to learn it and write the verses of her songs in the language that her grandmother considered the language of the last generation. It lives in her being a woman, in her femininity expressed through words like thálassa (sea), kardiá (heart), agápi (love), and pónos (pain), which in Griko are of the feminine gender. It lives in her hometown, Calimera, which means “Good morning,” and it lives in the music that, drawing strength from its past, is free to tell stories that still need to be told.


Born in Genk, Belgium, in 1980, the granddaughter of Italian miners, she earned her degree in Letters and Philosophy in Lecce. She completed a master’s degree in Film Analysis and Writing at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and attended an annual course on Methods and Techniques of Cinematography in the Digital Age, organized by the Atelier Cinema Video Bruxelles. She worked as a location manager for cinema and also teaches film directing and screenwriting. For 2 years, she was employed at MEDIA, the Executive Agency of the European Commission for film production funding. Currently, she teaches literature at a secondary school.