

RegiaGaetano Crivaro

CreditiScen.: Gaetano Crivaro, Prod.: Gaetano Crivaro, Dir. Fot.: Gaetano Crivaro, Mo.: Gaetano Crivaro, Mu.: Stefano Grosso, Cast: Giuseppe Gallella, Antonio Bova, Arkan Saef, Mumtaz Kahn, Pasquale Vitale, Antonio Bevilacqua


Lingua minoritariaCalabrian dialect, pashto

TipologiaShort film


 In a future which is already past, among the ghosts and the remains of a failed progress, we come across a humanity wandering on the edge. A humanity which is trapped in a fence without gates, which is indifferent to those who win and those who lose, indifferent to others’ dreams of development, indifferent to a train that will probably never arrive or that nobody will maybe never catch.

Have you seen a dog?


Gaetano Crivaro (1983) is a filmaker and videoartist based in Cagliari. In 2009 he made his first film I Love Benidorm (Audience Award DocumentaMadrid2010). In 2012 he graduated at Master en Documental de Creaciòn in Barcellona where he developed the project Stretto Orizzonte, finalist at Premio Solinas. In 2014 he funded the collective L’Ambulante, a research laboratory engaged in investigative cinema, film production, education through cinema, and organization of film screenings and festivals. From 2015 the group started a research on Portraits wihtin the project VideoRitratti and in the same year started a research project about reuse of cinema archives “Second Hand Cinema”, where was Rondò Final, selected in Visions du Reel and Festival dei Popoli 2021.